The 2024 Colorado Legislative Session is beginning January 10th with a list of bills that could affect your construction related business.  Upcoming state bills with variable regional and local issues brought to the attention of the WCCA Government Affairs Committee, will be reviewed by WCCA members to determine impact on the WCCA community and what action might be needed to ensure fair standards for the regional construction industry.   Currently the following issues will be reviewed and discussed in the January 24th WCCA Government Affairs Committee Meeting:

  • GJ Self Performance- monitoring
  • Workers’ Comp changes
  • 32 Hour Work Week mandate
  • Return of “fair” work week and predictive scheduling mandates
  • Rail and Transit Program funding
  • False Claims
  • Waters of the US – CDPHE Fee
  • IDIQ contract services
  • GJ Sustainability and Adaptation Plan
  • GJ TIFF Fees revisited for 2024-2026
  • TMDL- update
  • National Asset Companies Rulemaking

We encourage every member to have a representative in the committee to help shape regulatory efforts within the association.  Without valuable input from WCCA Members, governmental entities will have the ability to make decisions on your behalf without your input. 

The WCCA Government Affairs Committee is open to all WCCA Members in good standing. This committee focuses on regional issues that concern or could effect construction related businesses. The committee monitors government activity, witnesses presentations on topics requiring an action from the Association, and gives recommendations with support to the WCCA Board of Directors.

MEETINGS: The WCCA Government Affairs Committee meets the 4th Wednesday of each month (or as deemed necessary by the Committee or Board of Directors) at 2:00 pm at the WCCA Training Room, 2470 Patterson Rd., #14. If you would like to attend the committee meeting from a remote location, please notify staff so arrangements can be made.